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Top 10 Best of Listverse

by Jamie Frater
fact checked by brunobanana

[This list contains a competition – see the bonus entry for more details.] Today is Listverse’s birthday! Since the site was launched four years ago, we have had over 290 million page views. The site continues to grow every day – largely thanks to our contributors and readers. This list, in celebration of our special day, looks at the ten most popular lists based on the total number of views since the site began.


Incredible Recordings
Moreschi – Last Castrato

List: Top 10 Incredible Recordings
List By: Jamie Frater

I am very surprised by the fact that this list is still in the top 10 most popular lists. It was one of my first lists and was the one that drew in our first huge crowd because it hit the front page of Digg. If you haven’t seen the list you should check it out – it has some very eerie recordings that you will never forget. This remains one of my most favorite of all time.


Strange Universe


List: 10 Strange Things About The Universe
List By: Jeff Johnson

While it looked initially like this list was a little beyond most non-scientists, it was surprisingly popular and drew in quite a large crowd. It even ended up with over 270 comments. Science lists are often very popular – especially with the outside audience, and this list was no exception.


Damaging Photos


List: Top 10 Careers Damaged by Photos
List By: Paul Holtum

Paul Holtum (blogball) has been a regular contributor to Listverse since the beginning, and his lists are always very popular. This list was one of the first of his series of lists relating to photographs. Due to the infamy of some of the photos on the list it was very popular – both on and off Listverse – garnering over 900 facebook likes.


Biblical Facts

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List: 10 Biblical Facts Everyone Gets Wrong
List By: Jamie Frater

Religious lists are always controversial around here and this one was no exception. However, as this was more about factual errors people make, it was a little less controversial than many of our other lists. If you think you are a Biblical expert, check this list out – you may be surprised how many errors you hold about the big book.


World Mysteries


List: 10 More Unsolved Mysteries of the World
List By: Rhyno and Jamie Frater

I don’t often collaborate with others on lists – in fact, I think I have only done so four or five times. This was one of those times. Mystery lists are always popular here, and with its 4,000 facebook likes, we can see that they are also extremely popular offsite. This list received 376 comments – many of which are extremely entertaining. If you love our mystery lists make sure you haven’t missed this one.


Human Abilities


List: 9 Extraordinary Human Abilities
List By: Tempyra

This is another list that was immensely popular across both Facebook and Listverse. Perhaps because it describes many abilities that we would all love to have, and some that we all find difficult to believe possible. Tempyra contributed a number of lists and this is undoubtedly his best.


The Unexplained


List: 10 More Mysteries of the Unexplained
List By: Jamie Frater

The inspiration for this list was item 9 – the Hopkinsville Goblins. I stumbled upon the story and was so fascinated that I knew it would have to spawn a whole list. If you want a scare before bed read the account – it is chilling. This remains one of my favorite mystery lists of all time.


September 11


List: 10 Events Surrounding September 11
List By: Bryan J

Bryan J is a recent contributor to listverse and his excellent writing skills have been appreciated by all. Given the conspiracies that surround the events of September 11 it is no surprise that this list ended up being so popular. When I published it last year I had no idea it would end up being so popular.


Secret Codes


List: Top 10 Codes You Aren’t Meant to Know
List By: Jamie Frater

I don’t even remember what inspired this list, but of all the lists I have written this is probably the one I enjoyed most. It is a list of the various codes that surround us in life that we are either unaware of or not meant to know about. Check it out before your next trip to the mall – you may have a better understanding of some of the things you hear over the loudpseakers.


Mysterious Creatures


List: 10 More Terrifying and Mysterious Creatures
List By: Stephen King (not the author)

Many of the comments on this list were relating to the author – I didn’t make it clear that it wasn’t THE Stephen King. It is easy to understand why people would think it was the horror writer given the subject but while the author was not the master of horror – he did write a great list that has ended up knocking all other lists to the floor when it comes to popularity. If you haven’t read this list – do – but be warned, it may stop you sleeping!



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Because this is our fourth birthday I am running a competition. Tomorrow, after the publication of the latest list, I will select at random four commenters to win a copy of our new book “I Call Bullshit” which is due out in November this year. The book is made up entirely of myth busting and misconception dispelling. It is a combination of misconception and fact lists from Listverse, as well as independent research. You can read more about the book here. Good luck! Oh – and if you are stuck for a comment why not tell us what your favorite list is and why.

fact checked by brunobanana
Jamie Frater

Jamie is the founder of Listverse. When he’s not doing research for new lists or collecting historical oddities, he can be found in the comments or on Facebook where he approves all friends requests!

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